Hilda Rikhotso - November 2019

November 2018 - Jane Mabunda

Kaross Featured Embroiderer for May 2018: Winnie & Traiza
Today I am inspired by the bond between two women. There is something incredibly strong about being an African woman.
Women whose reality is to raise their children alone, while they either wait on their husbands to return from remote employment, or in other cases, women who was never legally married to the father of their children. To the outsider these women seem to never be afraid. They accept their harsh circumstances and carry on with the work of the day.
Albert Mangena's Heart Embroidered Artwork

Kaross featured embroiderer for October 2017 Flora Mkhawani
A few words spring to mind when I think of Flora. Perserverance is one of them, and tenacity. Pride and self-worth.
Hers is a story that speaks for many of the women at Kaross. The story of a loving, caring mother and wife who wants more for her children than what she ever had.

Amazing Lion Hunt embroidered cloth by Sylvia Khubayi
We're sharing this video again showing the amazing Lion Hunt embroidered cloth handmade by Sylvia Khubayi. This is true African art only found here in the heart of South Africa! To buy similar unique cloths like this one online click here